1:28AM Not only is the cold sweeping into the Northern Rockies this weekend, but the one benefit I would find about living in this part of the world – the outstanding scenery – is going to be snuffed out, at least in western Montana and northern Idaho. An inversion (air stops getting colder for a brief spell as you go up, meaning the air doesn’t rise — it is trapped at the surface) is setting up, leading to fog in the valleys. Dense fog advisories are out throughout the area.

2:08PM – There hasn’t been much good news out west lately, and across the country, precipitation seemed only to fall as snow, even on the Gulf Coast, but this afternoon, we have an actual rain event, and it is in the LA area. Heavy rain is falling in Santa Barbara, with a smattering down by Oxnard. Chances will continue this evening. Let’s hope the drink helps soothe the area.
4:10PM – I was curious, given the snow last week, how quiet the tropics were, worldwide. Answer? Pretty quiet. There is one nettlesome wave in the Indian Ocean, but a Tropical Storm is it’s maximum potential, and it won’t affect interests to anyone, anywhere.